How to Keep the Luxury Outdoor Garden Furniture Beaming

How To Keep The Luxury Outdoor Garden Furniture Beaming?

In all the fun of spending time outdoors, one of the immediate inconveniences can be the presence of dirt. People wearing white shorts or pants know the great disappointment of sitting on the outdoor garden furniture only to find upon standing that it was less than clean.

Dirt is an immediately noticeable minor nark, but overtime grit, rains, etc. can ruin the structural quality of your luxury outdoor garden furniture. Keeping your furniture clean and maintained can impact the lifespan of it in a dramatically positive way. We at Weave Craft, the outdoor furniture store online, render you with many tricks of the trade to protect and clean your furniture, keeping it look beautiful for years to come. Read on to find the right techniques to attain your aim!

There are some basic strategies for all outdoor garden furniture that we’d recommend for even the most reluctant cleaners:

Cover all your furniture regardless of the material. The sun, dirt and water can all lead to bleaching and other damages which can be easily avoided with a waterproof slipcover. Plus, the cherry on top is that it will make seasonal cleaning a piece of cake for you.

Even after protecting your furniture from the natural elements, we recommend that you must clean your furniture four to five times per year, typically at the start of each season and twice during summers.

With any furniture type or surface, there’s an easy formula to follow while cleaning your luxury outdoor garden furniture:

  • Wipe down with a damp or slightly dry cloth to remove dirt and debris
  • Give the surface a deeper clean with appropriate materials for the products
  • Allow furniture to dry completely before lazing in them again or covering them up

Wood has an open, occasionally rough texture that means it requires a little extra elbow grease to get a thorough clean. For cleaning enthusiasts who want their wooden pieces to be extra-squeaky clean, a toothbrush will excavate the dirt they might not know existed.

If your wooden furniture develops any mold during cooler, wetter months, allow the piece to dry out before approaching the spots. Then, scrub the surface with a dry brush until the mold flakes off. After the mold is cleared, check for any issues and allow to dry again fully before performing further cleaning.

When talking about metal outdoor garden furniture, its biggest risk is rust/oxidation. What you need to do for this is that cover your metal furniture with waterproof covers which take care of any regular seasonal rain or dampness; just be sure that the covers are long enough to protect the bases or feet of the chair and tables.

After this initial clean and rust-clearing, a general clean is pragmatically easy. Use mild exfoliant on a soft rag to remove dirt or scuff marks. In a pinch, you can also try dish soap mixed with water to cleanse metallic surfaces.

Perhaps, the easiest of all surfaces, plastic and all-weather wicker furniture is low maintenance and season-friendly for any climate. Cleaning these pieces is really simple: use a gentle cleaner after dusting which is free of chlorine, bleach or scrubbing/abrasive particles. Ensure to check the label of any product before its usage on plastic; corrosive ingredients deteriorate plastic pieces.

Keeping your outdoor furniture clean doesn’t have to be intimidating; a seasonal cleaning schedule can help you keep it fresh all year-’round. And, the perfect end to an afternoon cleaning would be relaxing with an umbrella in your drink, admiring your endeavors…
